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Packagist License

Packagist is a registry for PHP packages which can be installed with Composer.

Path Parameters
user string REQUIRED

Example: guzzlehttp

repo string REQUIRED

Example: guzzle

Query Parameters
server string

Note that only network-accessible and other self-hosted Packagist instances are supported.


style string

Possible values: [flat, flat-square, plastic, for-the-badge, social]

If not specified, the default style for this badge is "flat".

Example: flat

logo string

Icon slug from simple-icons. You can click the icon title on simple-icons to copy the slug or they can be found in the file in the simple-icons repository. Further info.

Example: appveyor

logoColor string

The color of the logo (hex, rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla and css named colors supported). Supported for simple-icons logos but not for custom logos.

Example: violet

logoSize string

Make icons adaptively resize by setting auto. Useful for some wider logos like amd and amg. Supported for simple-icons logos but not for custom logos.

Example: auto

label string

Override the default left-hand-side text (URL-Encoding needed for spaces or special characters!)

Example: healthiness

labelColor string

Background color of the left part (hex, rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla and css named colors supported).

Example: abcdef

color string

Background color of the right part (hex, rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla and css named colors supported).

Example: fedcba

cacheSeconds string

HTTP cache lifetime (rules are applied to infer a default value on a per-badge basis, any values specified below the default will be ignored).

Example: 3600

link string[]

Specify what clicking on the left/right of a badge should do. Note that this only works when integrating your badge in an <object> HTML tag, but not an <img> tag or a markup language.

GET /packagist/l/:user/:repo
user — path
repo — path
server — query
style — query
logo — query
logoColor — query
logoSize — query
label — query
labelColor — query
color — query
cacheSeconds — query
link — query